Archive for the 'random punks' Category

Breaking You: Arkham Discard

September 5, 2008

The goal of ‘Breaking You’ is to spotlight overlooked themes in the game, and to use cards that might not otherwise see a lot of play. Also, whenever possible, we’re going to try and make these decks affordable for new players (ie: Random Punks.) This week we’ll be looking at the Arkham Inmates, who have seen almost no play whatsoever in Silver or Modern Age.

This will not be a deck for the faint of heart. Let’s do this, people!

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Hobby League: Say Goodnight, Grace!

March 11, 2008

Remember Grace?


I do. Heck. How could I forget her? When the World’s Finest set was previewed this card was almost universally praised, yet it’s many months later and I don’t think I have ever seen a deck featuring the card. What gives?

Well, as you can guess (or maybe not, I shouldn’t overestimate my audience,) I finally figured out what I’m bringing to the Hobby League!

 Goodnight, Grace!

4x Thunder, Anissa Pierce
3x Halo, Gabrielle Doe
4x Grace Choi
3x Katana, Tatsu Yamashiro
4x Batman, Problem Solver
2x Barbara Gordon * Oracle, Hacker Elite
1x Catwoman, Feline Fatale
4x Huntress, Harsh Mistress
2x Batman, Twilight Vigilante
3x Grace, The Bouncer

3x Soul Slicer
3x Fighting the Liar
4x The Hook-Up
2x Training Day
4x Bat-Signal
4x Taking Out the Trash
4x Crackshot
3x Skreee!

3x Batmobile, Burn Rubber

This deck is BYOS and Random Punks legal, so that’s kind of fun. As always, the plan is kind of simple: Hit big characters with tinier ones, making use of control-oriented Batman and Huntress to ensure that your opponent plays fairly.

On turn 6 you want to end things, bulking up Grace to stun a higher drop, recovering, readying, and stunning their five. You’ll also underdrop on 6 with Batman and Katana, which should lead to a lot of stunning and happiness. Thunder is mostly there for flavor, but also for discard fodder later on.

Grace should be your only visible character for pretty much the entire game, so that’s also fun. My biggest concern is getting the team-up consistently, and also going against other off-curve strategies. But really, I’m playing an Outsiders/Gotham Knights team-up without a single rare, so we can only do so much.

I’ll give it a couple of plays tomorrow and see how it turns out.